
What's Up?


When I realized I have this photo for a long time before I get too busy with Bosch competition and no time to shoot, I quickly upload it. Because it reminds me of how active I am here before. Gonna to make more move now. People need photographer. =D


Najwa Sofwani said...

kucing ni muke terkezut..hehehe =)

Mohaimin Mokhlis said...

Haha.muka terkejut eh?
Aku ingat muka blur. heheh

Myra Adlina said...

Comelnyaa ! Amin, bawa balik rumah ! Semua kucing Amin ada bawa balik rumah :D

cik chopu said...

just nak bagitau. tadi masa bukak, ter-access masuk ur dashboard. bukan ur dashboard saja, ramai lagi UTPian punya blog yang keluar. mungkin sistem kena hack. tapi jangan risau, saya tak buat apa2 pada blog ni. sekian.